Centro Progetto Lingue

Progetto Lingue’s method and levels

Progetto Lingue is an Italian language and culture center

The Italian language learning method with Progetto Lingue

Progetto Lingue’s teaching method is based on communication, in line with the latest studies on didactics and thanks to the experience of our certified native Italian teachers.

Our aim is to enable students to acquire the ability to communicate in Italian, in the shortest possible time. The study of grammar is fundamental for progressing in language learning but is not considered an end in itself.

Students are encouraged to use the Italian language by developing the 4 fundamental linguistic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, in everyday communicative tasks.

The relaxing setting, immersed in the green Veneto countryside, promotes quick and easy acquisition of the language. Furthermore, the great passion and professionalism of our teachers, ensure the study environment is light-hearted and fun, allowing you to learn in a serene and relaxed way.


In our Italian language centre we use as a linguistic reference framework for our courses the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).This is based on a Council of Europe directive aimed at language teachers and students to provide study material and to ascertain knowledge of languages. This classification method, applied and recognised throughout Europe and in many countries outside Europe, distinguishes in the field of language study, three bands of competence (Basic, Autonomy and Mastery) and six levels of competence A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.



A1 – Absolute beginner level for learning basic everyday expressions and phrases, such as introducing oneself and others, giving and asking for personal information about where you live, your job, people you know and things you own.

A2- Elementary level for communicating in simple everyday tasks requiring only a basic direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. The learner is able to talk about past events (ask and tell what happened or what one has done), talk about memories, experiences and one’s habits, talk about plans, ask for a service such as booking a table in a restaurant and ordering a dish from the menu, express tastes, preferences and moods in a simple way.



B1- Pre-intermediate level for those who understand the main points of clear messages in standard language on topics such as work, leisure, etc. Can handle many situations that may arise when travelling in a region where the language is spoken. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes, ambitions, briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

B2 – Intermediate level for those who can communicate with relative ease so that interaction with a native speaker develops without strain or strain. Can understand complex concepts on both concrete and abstract topics, produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and express a viewpoint on a variety of topics, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.



C1 – Advanced level for those who communicate confidently and want to expand and improve their language skills, are able to express themselves fluently and spontaneously without too much effort to find the words. Uses the language as an effective means to achieve professional, academic and social purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured texts on complex subjects.

C2 – Level of proficiency in complex situations, for those who can understand effortlessly everything they hear or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources in a coherent text. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, identifying the finer shades of meaning in complex situations.